Have you ever had a passion—something you just know you were meant to do? Maybe it’s art, music, interior design, photography, teaching, parenting or living as simply as possible. Whatever it is, it lights you up inside. OR you are CRAVING that feeling, of just knowing exactly what you want to do or be. You feel lost and are trying to figure out what to do next. I feel you.

For the longest time, I felt like I hadn’t found my passion—until I realized this…

I love sharing other people’s passions. Tell me what excites you, and I’ll get excited with you. Tell me what drives you, and I’ll feel that drive with you. Tell me how you want to make an impact, and I’ll help share that with the world.

I’m an empath, and nothing inspires me more than hearing what lights people up. This podcast is my way of bringing those stories to life—why you do what you do, what makes your journey unique, and how you’ve created a life that’s simply you.

Because sometimes, all it takes is hearing someone else’s story to spark something in your own. I can’t wait to share these conversations with you. Let’s get inspired together.

Are we a fit?

Let's hop on a quick phone call or get a coffee together to see if we vibe. I would love to get to know you.

Let’s chat for a few minutes and discuss what you’re all about, if we think we’ll be a good fit for each other. I want to know about you, not just your business and passions, but you family, where you grew up and how you came to be the person and entrepreneur you are now.

So much of what makes life rich is the connections we make with people and I LOVE that part of my job. So please, fill me in and let me know what brings color to your life.
